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序号 考试内容 考试要求
Unit 1 1. language structures
2. dialogue:  A New Life on Campus
3. reading Ⅰ: My First Day at School
4. reading Ⅱ: The First Day at University
1. 掌握对话和课文中的生词;
2. 熟练运用重点句型;
3. 掌握该单元的语法重点;
4. 能使用重点词句造句和翻译;
5. 能以一定的速度阅读与课文难度相当的文章,并在全面理解的基础上回答相应的问题。
6. 了解基础的文体知识,并能进行短文和应用文写作。
Unit 2 1. language structures
2. dialogue:  An Interview with an Amateur Actress
3. reading Ⅰ: Women’s Liberation
4. reading Ⅱ: How Bread Made Her a Millionaire
Unit 3 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Holiday Planning
3. reading Ⅰ: What’s Behind Halloween
4. reading Ⅱ: Entertainment at No Cost
Unit 4 1. language structures
2. dialogue: A Trip to China
3. reading Ⅰ: Human Needs
4. reading Ⅱ: Bread
Unit 5 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Save Our Heritage
3. reading Ⅰ: Museums
4. reading Ⅱ: Museums in the Modern World
Unit 6 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Save Our Pandas
3. reading Ⅰ: The Butterfly
4. reading Ⅱ: Three Ostriches
Unit 7 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Cycling
3. reading Ⅰ: Stuck in the Tube
4. reading Ⅱ: Riding Safely in Traffic
Unit 8 1. language structures
2. dialogue: The Young on the Old
3. reading Ⅰ: Mother’s Day Flowers
4. reading Ⅱ: The Memories of My Father
Unit 9 1. language structures
2. dialogue: A Beijing Opera Fan
3. reading Ⅰ: The Man Who Ate China
4. reading Ⅱ: Following in the steps of Emperors
Unit 10 1. language structures
2. dialogue: If I Had the Chance to Travel in Space
3. reading Ⅰ: How Far Is the Earth from the Sun?
4. reading Ⅱ: Life and Water Pressure
Unit 11 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Two Kinds of Brain
3. reading Ⅰ: Does Game Violence Make Teens Aggressive?
4. reading Ⅱ: Gamers Say Social Problems, Not Video Games Cause Violence
Unit 12 1. language structures
2. dialogue: The Western Frontier in the United States
3. reading Ⅰ: Dreamers: Hunks of Junk
4. reading Ⅱ: He Had a Hunch
Unit 13 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Reform in Education
3. reading Ⅰ: The Five Main Purposes of Education
4. reading Ⅱ: Let’s Put the Heat on Campus Cheats
Unit 14 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Traditional Chinese Medicine
3. reading Ⅰ: Vitamins
4. reading Ⅱ: Penicillin—One of the Greatest Discoveries Made by Men
Unit 15 1. language structures
2. dialogue: TV Commercials
3. reading Ⅰ: Disinformation Advertising
4. reading Ⅱ: Made in Heaven

序号 考试内容 考试要求
Unit 1 1. language structures
2. dialogue: The Olympic Games
3. reading Ⅰ: Two Kinds of Football
4. reading Ⅱ: The Physical Miseducation of a Former Fat Boy
1. 掌握对话和课文中的生词;
2. 熟练运用重点句型;
3. 掌握该单元的语法重点;
4. 能使用重点词句造句和翻译;
5. 能以一定的速度阅读与课文难度相当的文章,并在全面理解的基础上回答相应的问题。
6. 了解基础的文体知识,能进行短文和应用文写作。
Unit 2 1. language structures
2. dialogue: A Trip to Huangshan
3. reading Ⅰ: America’s National Parks (Part 1)
4. reading Ⅱ: America’s National Parks (Part 2)
Unit 3 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Pollution Control
3. reading Ⅰ: Environmental Pollution
4. reading Ⅱ: A Planet in Danger
Unit 4 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Dreams
3. reading Ⅰ: Daydreaming
4. reading Ⅱ: How Can You Improve Your Memory?
Unit 5 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Music
3. reading Ⅰ: Stunts in the Cinema
4. reading Ⅱ: Soap Opera
Unit 6 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Coping with Old Age
3. reading Ⅰ: The Virtue Called Devotion
4. reading Ⅱ: Life Doesn’t End at Fifty
Unit 7 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Three American Writers
3. reading Ⅰ: I Write, Therefore I Am
4. reading Ⅱ: How to Find Time to Read
Unit 8 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Stage Fright
3. reading Ⅰ: Stress and Health
4. reading Ⅱ: The Fat Environment
Unit 9 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Animal Protection
3. reading Ⅰ: Intelligence in Animals
4. reading Ⅱ: Tiny Killers on the March
Unit 10 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Changes to Family Life
3. reading Ⅰ: On Splitting
4. reading Ⅱ: The Silent Generations
Unit 11 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Thanksgiving Day
3. reading Ⅰ: My Forever Valentine
4. reading Ⅱ: Easter Sunday Love Feast
Unit 12 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
3. reading Ⅰ: Girls and Boys Come Out to Play
4. reading Ⅱ: Students Who Push Burgers
Unit 13 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Word Study
3. reading Ⅰ: The Writing English
4. reading Ⅱ: Notes on Punctuation
Unit 14 1. language structures
2. dialogue: Going Metric
3. reading Ⅰ: Stages of Culture Shock
4. reading Ⅱ: Harmony and the Dream
Unit 15 1. language structures
2. dialogue: The Generation Gap
3. reading Ⅰ: The Parent in Us
4. reading Ⅱ: Let the Kid Be

序号 考试内容 考试要求
Unit 1 1.  Text Ⅰ: My First Job
2.        Text Ⅱ: How to Do Well on a Job Interview
1. 掌握课文中的生词和重点短语;
2. 会用英语解释课文中的重难点词句;
3. 能熟练运用课文中的重点生词和短语造句和翻译;
4. 较为深入地了解文体常识,并在此基础上学会对课文进行简单的分析。
5. 能以正常阅读素的读懂与课文难度相当的文章,并在全面理解的基础上回答相应的问题;
Unit 2 1.  Text Ⅰ: The Wedding Letter
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Family Portrait
Unit 3 1.  Text Ⅰ: A Man from Stratford—William Shakespeare
2.  Text Ⅱ: William Shakespeare
Unit 4 1.  Text Ⅰ: The Light at the End of the Chunnel
2.  Text Ⅱ: Confucius, the Philosopher
Unit 5 1.  Text Ⅰ: On Not Answering the Telephone
2.  Text Ⅱ: Remote Control
Unit 6 1.  Text Ⅰ: On Buying Books
2.  Text Ⅱ: Online Shopping
Unit 7 1.  Text Ⅰ: Who Killed Benny Paret?
2.  Text Ⅱ: A Piece of Steak
Unit 8 1.  Text Ⅰ: “Keep Class 2 Under Your Thumb”
2.  Text Ⅱ: Letter to a B Student
Unit 9 1.  Text Ⅰ: A Winter to Remember
2.  Text Ⅱ:  A  January Wind    B   Ode to Autumn
Unit 10 1.  Text Ⅰ: A Fable for Tomorrow
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Nightmare of Life Without Fuel
Unit 11 1.  Text Ⅰ: After Twenty Years
2.  Text Ⅱ: Friends, Good Friends—and Such Good Friends
Unit 12 1.  Text Ⅰ: Christmas
2.  Text Ⅱ: Family Christmas

序号 考试内容 考试要求
Unit 1 1.  Text Ⅰ: This Year It’s Going to be Different
2.  Text Ⅱ: Ambition
1. 掌握课文中的生词和重点短语;
2. 会用英语解释课文中的重难点词句;
3. 能熟练运用课文中的重点生词和短语造句和翻译;
4. 较为深入地了解文体常识,并在此基础上学会对课文进行简单的分析。
5. 能以正常阅读素的读懂与课文难度相当的文章,并在全面理解的基础上回答相应的问题;
Unit 2 1.  Text Ⅰ: Salvation
2.  Text Ⅱ: Valuing Childhood
Unit 3 1.  Text Ⅰ: Writing Between the Lines
2.  Text Ⅱ: Some Thoughts on Writing
Unit 4 1.  Text Ⅰ: Network Designer—Tim Berners Lee
2.  Text Ⅱ: Will We Have Any Privacy Left?
Unit 5 1.  Text Ⅰ: Antarctica
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Shape of Africa
Unit 6 1.  Text Ⅰ: The Pearl
2.  Text Ⅱ: What Is Profit?
Unit 7 1.  Text Ⅰ: From Composer to Interpreter to Listener
2.  Text Ⅱ: Rock Music
Unit 8 1.  Text Ⅰ: A Friend in Need
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Dinner Party
Unit 9 1.  Text Ⅰ: University Days
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Universities and Their Function
Unit 10 1.  Text Ⅰ: Abducting the Cloning Debate
2.  Text Ⅱ: The Biotech Century
Unit 11 1.  Text Ⅰ: Neat People vs. Sloppy People
2.  Text Ⅱ: Batting Clean-up and Striking Out
Unit 12 1.  Text Ⅰ: Gettysburg Addresses
2.  Text Ⅱ: On Accepting Nobel Prize
语法题(grammar & vocabulary):约占15%;
阅读理解(reading comprehension):约占10%;
PART I   VOCABULARY (10%10×1=10)
Directions: Match each word in column A with the word or phrase in column B that is similar in meaning. Write the corresponding answer on the Answer Sheet.
1.       _ __ gaze           a. causing death, disastrous
2.  _ __ fatal       b. look intently and steadily
KEYS1. b   2. a
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences that are followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
1. He is such __ __ selfish man that he hasn't ______ least concern for others.
A. /, the                 B. a, /                    C. a, the                D. the, a
PART III   CLOZE  (15 %, 15×1=15)
Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one answer that best fits into the passage. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
Speedlearning is not difficult to learn. You develop your skills at your own (1)______ using the easy-to-follow materials. Speedlearning a few minutes a day, you’ll gain permanent speedlearning skills that could have a (2)______ impact on almost every aspect of your (3)______.
Speedlearning has been successfully studied by people of all ages, from all (4)______. But what is even more important, once you have developed speedlearning skills, you will (5)______ that almost any kind of learning is more fun and easier than it was before. The reason is that speedlearning (6)______ the built-in boredom factor in ordinary learning (7)______ reading.
Most people (8)______ say words as they read, which means that they read about as fast as they can talk. Even more important is the fact that when your mind is occupied (9)______ actively saying each word instead of simply taking (10)______ its meaning, your ability to understand is (11)______ with. Your mind has to assemble each of the separate words you pronounce into meaningful ideas—a slow and (12)______ process at best. That’s what we call the built-in boredom factor of ordinary learning.
With speedlearning you take in (13)______ larger amounts of knowledge at one time. Learning becomes more fun because it is goal-(14)______ and because you see yourself reaching specific goals faster than you (15)______ thought possible.
1.    A. step               B. pace                   C. discretion          D. movement
2.    A. exciting          B. surprising              C. terrible        D. dramatic
3.    A. way               B. step                      C. plan               D. life
4.    A. occupations           B. walks of life              C. professions        D. jobs
5.    A. uncover            B. discover                C. reveal               D. disclose
6.    A. eliminates        B. discriminates       C. contaminates   D. incriminates
7.    A. with            B. by                         C. through          D. via
8.    A. spiritually          B. physically                 C. mentally           D. psychologically
9.    A. by              B. in                         C. with            D. for
10.   A. in               B. to                      C. into             D. from
11.   A. interrupted     B. interfered                 C. intercepted    D. interacted
12.   A. labor         B. laborious                C. laboratory          D. laboring
13.   A. greater          B. much                 C. more            D. only
14.   A. based           B. directed           C. oriented         D. targeted
15.   A. had                B. never                 C. have             D. ever
KEYS1-5:BDDBB  6-10: ACCCA   11-15: BBBCD
Directions: There are two passages below. Each of the passages is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
In all most every part of the world and in every age men have tried to limit the possibilities open to females by hindering their movement. The foot-binding of upper class Chinese girls and the Nigerian custom of weighing women’s legs down with kilos of heavy wire are extreme examples. But all over the world similar methods have been used to make sure that once you have caught a woman she cannot run away, and even if she stays around she cannot keep up with you.
What seems odd is that all these apparatus have been seen as beautiful, not only by men but by women as well. Tiny feet, which seem to us a deformity, were passionately admired in China for centuries, and today most people in Western society see nothing ugly in the severely squeezed toes produced by modern footwear. The high-heeled, narrow-toed shoes that for most of these centuries have been an essential part of women’s costume are considered attractive, partly because they make the legs look longer. They also make standing for any length of time painful, walking exhausting and running impossible. The way of walking produced by them is thought to be attractive, perhaps because it guarantees that no woman wearing them can outrun a man who is chasing her. Worst of all, if they are worn continually from the teenage years on, they deform the muscles of the feet and legs so that it becomes even more painful and difficult to walk in flat shoes.
Modern women’s shoes are what keeps Samantha from running as far as Sammy, literally as well as figuratively. As anyone who has worn them will agree, it is hard to concentrate on your job when your feet are killing you—especially if you are faint with hunger because you had only half a grapefruit and coffee for breakfast so as to stay a beautiful five kilos below your natural healthy weight. For a while in the sixties and seventies it was not necessary to be handicapped in this way unless you choose to be. During the last few years, however, women have begun wearing tight, high-heeled shoes again; and the most fashionable styles are those that give least support to the feet and make walking more difficult.
1.       Men have tried to limit possibilities for women by
A.      making it difficult for women to move.
B.      using heavy wire apparatus to catch women.
C.      Allowing only women from upper classes to move around freely.
D.     Insisting that women are inferior to men.
2.       What is odd about the customs concerning women’s feet?
A.      tiny feet are considered beautiful by most people in Western society.
B.      People accept that modern shoes are ugly.
C.      Apparatus which deforms women’s feet is not admired by men.
D.     Unnaturally shaped feet have been -– and are – appreciated.
3.       Why, according to the author, are high-heeled, narrow-toed shoes thought to be attractive?
A.      They change the appearance of the legs.
B.      Women have been wearing them for the last 100 years.
C.      They are an essential part of women’s clothing.
D.     They encourage men to chase women.
4.       What was the situation in the sixties and seventies?
A.      People went on diets to lose weight more than they do now.
B.      Women began to wear shoes which squeezed their toes.
C.      People had almost no choice regarding shoes.
D.     Fashion allowed the wearing of comfortable shoes.
5.       What is the opinion of the author, concerning modern women’s shoes, in the text as a whole?
A.      They are not very comfortable but are nevertheless attractive.
B.      They lead to difficulties only after many years of wearing them.
C.      They are not necessarily beautiful and cause many difficulties.
D.     Their design has been influenced by Chinese and Nigerian customs.
KEYS: 1-5:   ADCDC
Directions: Explain the following sentences in English and write the corresponding answer on the Answer Sheet.
1.       I hope we get on reasonably well.
KEY: I hope we can get along with each other quite well.
PART VI   Translation (20 %, 10×2=20)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English/Chinese.   
1.     他提出这个问题是处于好奇心,而非出于求知欲。
2.       He would rather set down what he has observed, important or trivial, in his notebook than commit it to his memory, because he believes in the remark that “The worst pen is better than the best memory.”
1. He asked the question out of curiosity rather than out of his desire for knowledge.
2. 他宁愿把所观察到的东西,无论大事小事,都用笔记下来,也不愿用脑记,因为他相信这么一句话:“好记性不如烂笔头”。
Big cities always hold strong attention to people who live in the rural areas. What are the advantages or disadvantages of living in a big city? Write a composition about 200 words to state your viewpoint on the following topic:
The Advantages or Disadvantages of Living in a Big City
You are to write in three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, state your viewpoint clearly. In the second paragraph, give one of two reasons to support your point of view. In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to fallow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Ⅳ. 参考书目
1.     新编英语教程第三版(1-4册),梅德明主编,上海外语教育出版社,2012.
2.       新编英语教程学习指南(1-4册),梅德明主编,上海外语教育出版社,2012.
3.       新编英语教程拓展阅读(1-4册),梅德明主编,上海外语教育出版社,2012.
4.       新编英语教程同步测试(1-4册),梅德明主编,上海外语教育出版社,2012.


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